Oklahoma Pesticide Applicator Practice Test

Oklahoma State pesticide applicatorPractice Test will help you learn the question pattern and the nature of the answers and definitely increase your confidence in your knowledge.

if you want oklahoma pesticide core exam practice test this is your place to practice and prepare for the exam.

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Oklahoma pesticide apllicator Practice test

1 / 25

What determines proper disposal timing?

2 / 25

Which storage practice prevents cross-contamination?

3 / 25

What best indicates proper decontamination?

4 / 25

How should emergency eyewash stations be?

5 / 25

What determines proper cleanup procedure?

6 / 25

Which first aid supply is most critical?

7 / 25

How should application records be maintained?

8 / 25

What indicates proper respirator maintenance?

9 / 25

Which loading site feature is most important?

10 / 25

How should emergency contact information be?

11 / 25

What best maintains sprayer calibration accuracy?

12 / 25

Which sign indicates heat stress risk?

13 / 25

What determines proper mixing sequence?

14 / 25

How should spill cleanup materials be disposed?

15 / 25

Which factor most affects drift reduction?

16 / 25

What best prevents spray tank contamination?

17 / 25

Which storage condition most affects shelf life?

18 / 25

How should emergency shower water temperature be?

19 / 25

What indicates proper protective suit fit?

20 / 25

Which disposal method is most appropriate for containers?

21 / 25

What best prevents pesticide exposure during mixing?

22 / 25

Which spray pattern indicates nozzle wear?

23 / 25

How should incompatible pesticides be identified?

24 / 25

What determines restricted-entry interval length?

25 / 25

Which factor most affects pesticide absorption through skin?

Your score is

Oklahoma Pesticide Applicator-Specific Regulations

Record Keeping – All users, commercial or not, are required to keep records. Regardless of whether a pesticide is restricted-use (RUP) or not, private users are required to keep records of restricted-use pesticides.

All this will help later if we want to return to a specific type of pesticide that was previously used, whether commercial or private.

Using Less Than Labeled – Oklahoma does not recognize 2(ee). This name, referred to as 2(ee), allows for the use of a pesticide at lower rates under FIFRA. Oklahoma does not allow for the use of less than the rates listed on the pesticide label. Except under a condition, if a company wishes to use a pesticide at less than the labeled rate, it must submit a 24(c) request to ODAFF requesting that the pesticide be used at the rates listed.

There are laws specific to each state and according to the state of Oklahoma, this is prohibited in the state laws.

Disposal of Pesticide Containers – There are labels indicating that the container may be disposed of by incineration. In Oklahoma, the situation is a little different. The Department of Environmental Quality’s air regulations do not allow pesticide containers to be burned unless they are burned in a specially authorized incinerator.

Burying things is not a good idea because it might cause issues during an inspection when the property is sold. If an environmental check finds any pesticides in a burial area, that place might be labeled as dangerous waste, and the property’s value would drop a lot. Also, the owner of the property would need to clean the area.

Do not follow everything written on the pesticide box. There are instructions that contradict the state or Ministry of Environment’s instructions, and there are some instructions that are permitted to be followed, but that may be harmful to you in particular.

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